Top 6 tips on how to be a great referee for your former employee

Candidates should be equipped with a minimum of two referees who can confidently offer commentary and insights regarding the employment history. The referee has the responsibility to substantiate the candidate’s employability. Some referees are better than others. Not all referees are created equal. If you really want to help your former employee, remember these tips. […]
Where do you want to be in 5 years’ time?

Why are managers asking this question? It is a standard question that is often asked, but the question is why are you asking it? Anything could happen between now and 5 years time. What is the benefit of asking this question in the first place? Potential employees often answer with “I’ll be in your job” […]
Sales results speak louder than words

I have been quoted on the Seek blog talking about unconscious bias previously. Sales Managers often hire people like themselves. Which makes sense – it is great to work with someone who is likeminded and similar to you. You are pretty confident you have a good culture fit and it is so easy to work […]