#1. Best Career Advice

My best career advice – manage your career like playing a game of chess. To succeed in your career, you need to think ahead and make strategic moves that help you reach your long-term goals. Much like chess, you have a variety of moves available to you on a chessboard – you can move forward, […]
The Best Architectural Sales Consultants

Who are the best architectural sales consultants? Let’s start with the difference between an architectural consultant and a specification sales consultant. An architectural consultant focuses mostly on architects and interior designers. A specification sales consultant will focus on everybody – architects to engineers, interior designers, builders, large construction companies, project managers, estimators and often right […]
Stop being “Ghosted” by recruiters

“Ghostbusters!” There is lots of talk about being ghosted by recruiters. Job seekers are wanting to limit ghosting, so I have some quick tips to limit ghosting and get the attention of the recruiter that has the job you want. First, let me explain why ghosting occurs. Recruiters are time-poor. They have multiple jobs on and lots […]
New Year, New job

The Indeed website is suggesting that up 25% of people in the USA have finding a new job as a priority for 2017 and another 27% were open to the possibility of a new job this year. I suspect those figures are comparable in Australia. As they sing at Christmas “It’s the most wonderful time […]
What is the most important thing on your resume?

Achievements! Quantifiable achievements are one of the most important, if not the most important part of your resume. Why? Because they show that you can not only do the basics of you job, but that you can do your job really well! Far too many candidates fail to put this in their resume; you do […]
Tell me … What are your strengths?

Why is this such a hard question? I have many candidates who struggle and tell me “I don’t want to blow my own trumpet” or “I haven’t really thought about that much?” Really? You are sitting in front of me and part of your job when sitting in front of me is to tell me […]
Interview tip … “I am really strategic”

I am really strategic So many candidates tell me “I am strategic” or “I am very strategic” or any variant of this. What makes someone strategic? My humble view is, when you are in an interview situation you can clearly articulate how you’ve solved a problem for the company in the short term and provided […]
Should I wear a tie to interview?

The Indeed website is suggesting up 25% of people in the USA are asking “should I wear a tie to an interview?” Wearing a tie is becoming a thing of the past in many workplaces, so it is a pertinent question. Some are even asking “Should I wear a tie to zoom interview?” Tie, […]